Saturday, June 10, 2017

Health Benefits of Rose Apple    

1. Fights Free Radical Damage
Rose Apple is rich in Vitamin C which prevents the damage of free radicals, pollutants and toxic chemicals which leads to the health ailments such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Free radicals are developed in the body when the body is exposed to the radiation, tobacco or smoke and during the process of breaking down of food.
Vitamin C enhances the white blood cells production and also assists in the functioning. As Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it eliminates the oxidative damage and enhances the smooth functioning. It is also believed that Vitamin C effectively boosts the immune system to counteract the colds.
2. Reduced Risk of Stroke
The presence of Vitamin C in the Rose Apples lowers the chances of stroke and health ailments such as inflammation, oxidative damage, cardiac health, atherosclerosis, blood pressure and endothelial health. The research summarizes that the development of plaque in the body results in the stroke or heart attack which could be reduced with the Vitamin C. 22 mg of Vitamin C is obtained from 100 grams of Rose Apple.
3. Boost good HDL Cholesterol
Rose Apple is the source of Niacin which is used to add cholesterol. The studies shows that Niacin enhances the HDL cholesterol levels and reduces the triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.
4. Prevent Diabetes
The research has shown that the use of Rose Apple reduces the level of blood glucose by enhancing the activities of carbohydrate metabolic enzymes such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.(1)
5. Prevent Constipation
Dietary fiber in Rose Apple supports the digestive system in the material movement and stimulate stool which is helpful for those having the irregular stools or constipation. It supports in healthy weight and reduces the chances of heart disease and diabetes.
6. Prevent muscle cramping
Rose Apple also possess adequate amount of potassium which enhances the strength of muscles and reduces the muscle cramps which is lead due to the low level of potassium.
7. Skin Health
An adequate amount of Vitamin A and C could be obtained from the Rose Apple which helps to prevent the damage from the oxidative stress caused from the poor diet, stress and pollution. It also reduces the dryness of the skin and reduces the wrinkles.

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